Northern Frontiers, Northern Homeland:
The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry
Berger Report (1977)
Volume 1
Letter to The Minister
1- The North
- Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland
- The Northern Biome
- Northern peoples
2- The Corridor Concept
- The Corridor Concept and Cumulative Impact
- The Northern Yukon Corridor and the Mackenzie Valley Corridor
- The United States’ Interest in the Corridor
3- Engineering and Construction
- The Project: Its Scope and Scale
- Buried Refrigerated Pipeline: Frost Heave
- The Construction Plan and Schedule
4- The Northern Environment
- Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Values
- Wilderness
- Wilderness and Northern Land Use
5- The Northern Yukon
- A Unique Heritage
- The Pipeline and the Corridor
- Man and the Land: Old Crow
- Porcupine Caribou Herd
- Other environmental Concerns
- A National Wilderness Park for the Northern Yukon
- An Alternative Route Across the Yukon
6- The Mackenzie Delta - Beaufort Sea Region
- Man and the Land
- Region and Environment
- Industry’s Plans
- Delta Region Impacts
- Whales and a Whale Sanctuary
- Offshore Concerns
- Spill Clean-up
- Summary
7- The Mackenzie Valley
- The Region
- The People and the Land
- Environmental Concerns
- Corridor Development
- Balancing Development with the Environment
8- Cultural Impact
- Cultural Impact: A Retrospect
- Schools and Native Culture
- The Persistence of Native Values
- The Native Economy
- Native Preferences and Aspirations
9- Economic Impact
- The Development of the Northern Economy
- Objectives of Economic Development
- The Mixed Economy
- The Local Experience of Economic Development
- Impact and Returns
- Employment on the Pipeline
- If the Pipeline is Not Built
10- Social Impact
- The Northern Population
- Social Impact and Industrial Development
- Specific Impacts
- The Limits to Planning
11- Native Claims
- History of Native Claims
- Self-determination and Confederation
- Native Claims: Their Nature and Extent
- Native Claims: A Closer Examination
- The Claim to Native Control of Education
- The Claim to Renewable Resources
- Native Claims and the Pipeline
12- Epilogue Themes for the National Interest
- The Inquiry and Participants
- Bibliographic Note and Terminology
- Photographs and Diagrams
- Acknowledgements