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UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Report Card 9:

The Children Left Behind A League Table of Inequality of Child Well-Being in the World’s Richest Countries


Page 31 of this report, with support from Canadian government officials, clearly states that 2005 data on income used for Canada excluded the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and First Nation communities; "only" 3 % of Canada's population. However, Canada's Indigenous Peoples represent approximately 3% of Canada's population and are recognized as Inuit, First Nation and Métis:

  • The Inuit live primarily in the North of Canada and this report excludes most of Northern Canada; the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. These Northern areas’ populations average approximately 80% Indigenous.
  • First Nations (approximately 630 communities) were specifically targeted for exclusion in the UNICEF report.
  • Métis people in Canada have a very small number of communities and for the most part, are economically integrated into non-Indigenous communties. They were likely included in this UNICEF report.

The 2010 UNICEF report basically left out Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. The poorest segment of Canada’s population is Indigenous People. They experience the widest gap in child poverty, education and health in Canada. Canadian officials could have submitted data for the UNICEF report from a census in which the data for Canada’s North and its Indigenous Peoples are included, but they did not. It is likely that a closer look at data submitted by most countries for this report will also reveal the exclusion of identifiable poor pupulations from submitted data.

This UNICEF report misleads those concerned regarding the child poverty, health and education gaps in their respective developed countries; this appears true for Canada.


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