Christian Aboriginal Infrastructure Developments
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Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People (RCAP)


Volume 3: Gathering Strength

1. New Directions in Social Policy

1. Social Policy in Context
2. Confronting A Painful Legacy
3. Looking Ahead
4. From Dependency to Strength

2. The Family

1. Introduction
2. The Centrality of Family in Aboriginal Life
2.1 Views from our Hearings
2.2 Family Life in Various Traditions
2.3 The Family as a Mediating Institution
3. "Our Children Are Our Future"
3.1 The Special Place of Children in Aboriginal Cultures
3.2 Historical Highlights
3.3 Child Welfare Reform
3.4 Current Issues
4. Family Violence
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Naming the Problem
4.3 The Face of Aboriginal Violence
4.4 Barriers to Change 4.5 Solutions from the People
5. Aspects of Family Law
5.1 Continuity of Customary Law
5.2 Division of Property on Marriage Breakdown
5.3 Civil Law and Family Violence
6. Epilogue

3. Health and Healing

1. Introduction: Rethinking Aboriginal Health
1.1 The Continuing Crisis in Aboriginal Health and Welfare
1.2 The Scope and Substance of the Commission’s Concern
1.3 Framework of the Chapter
2. The Burden of Ill Health
2.1 From the Past to the Present
2.2 Physical Health
2.3 Social and Emotional Health
2.4 Community Health
2.5 Conclusion
3. Toward a New Aboriginal Health and Healing Strategy
3.1 Aboriginal Perspectives on Health and Healing
3.2 The Determinants of Health
3.3 Two Great Traditions of Health and Healing: Convergence
3.4 Characteristics of a New Strategy
4. An Aboriginal Health and Healing Strategy
4.1 Initiating Systematic Change
4.2 Healing Centres
4.3 Human Resources Strategy
4.4 Enlisting the Support of the Mainstream Service System
4.5 Housing and Community Infrastructure
5. The Journey to Whole Health
Appendix 3A Traditional Health and Healing

4. Housing

1. The Housing and Living Conditions of Aboriginal People
1.1 Aboriginal and Canadian Housing Conditions
1.2 Contrasts Among Aboriginal Groups and Within Communities
2. Policy Foundations
2.1 Housing and Community Services as Basic Human Needs
2.2 A Right to Housing
2.3 Aboriginal Self-Government
3. Community Services: A Health Hazard
4. On-Reserve Housing
4.1 Federal Housing Programs On-Reserve 4.2 The Legal Regime and Tenure
4.3 Rallying Resources to Meet the Need for Adequate Shelter
4.4 Institutional Development
5. Housing in Non-Reserve Communities
5.1 Policies and Programs
5.2 The Institutional Base for Building Self-Reliance
5.3 An Estimate of Government Expenditures Required
6. Government Expenditures to Achieve Adequate Housing for Aboriginal People in Ten Years
7. Revitalizing Aboriginal Communities Through Housing
7.1 Economic Development
7.2 Political, Social and Cultural Benefits

5. Education

1. Introduction
2. The Framework: Lifelong, Holistic Education
3. Children
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Early Childhood Education
3.3 The Child in the Formal Education System
3.4 Positive Directions for the Future
4. Youth
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Youth Empowerment
4.3 Need for Local High Schools
4.4 Youth Re-Entry to High School
4.5 Transition to Economic Activity and Careers
5. Teacher Education Programs
5.1 Quality of Teacher Education Programs
5.2 The Need for More Elementary Education Teachers
5.3 The Need for More Secondary Education Teachers
5.4 Community-Based Teacher Education
5.5 The Need for Other Educational Professionals
5.6 The Education of Non-Aboriginal Teachers
6. Adults
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Getting in the Door
6.3 Inside the Door: Institutions Serving Aboriginal Adults
6.4 Preparing for the Job Market
7. Elders
8. Institutions to Sustain Aboriginality in the Future
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Aboriginal Peoples International University
8.3 Information Exchange: An Electronic Clearinghouse 8.4 Statistical Data Bases
8.5 Aboriginal Documentation Centre
9. Education for Self-Government
9.1 Planning for Self-Government
9.2 Programs That Work
9.3 A Profile of Human Resource Requirements for Self-Government
9.4 What Needs to Be Done
10. New Partnerships in Aboriginal Education
10.1 A Shift in Authority
10.2 Learning from the Past, Building for the Future
10.3 New Partnerships
Appendix 5A Native Education and Training Strategy

6. Arts and Heritage

1. Introduction
2. Cultural Heritage
2.1 Sacred and Historic Sites
2.2 Sacred and Secular Artifacts
2.3 Intellectual Property
3. Language
3.1 The Importance of Language
3.2 The State of Language
3.3 Language Maintenance and Identity
3.4 Countering Language Shift
4. Communications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Stereotypes and Self-Representation
4.3 Aboriginal Communications Media
5. Publishing
6. Visual and Performing Arts
Appendix 6A Excerpts from Turning the Page: Forging New Partnerships Between Museums and First Peoples

7. Conclusion

1. Common Problems, Collective Solutions
2. Traditional Culture and Institutions of Self-Government
3. Policy Reform and Transition
3.1 Social Policy as a Priority
3.2 Integrated Approaches
3.3 Creating Space for Aboriginal Initiative
4. Achieving a Balance

Appendix A Summary of recommendation in Volume 3

Appendix B Abridges Tables of Contents Volumes 1, 2,  and 3

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